Thursday, May 04, 2006

A New Convert To Spring; May 4th 2006 in the Cotton-Arbo retum.
Z.5, Boston area.

It may seem strange to most of you, but as a lifelong gardener, I think I have just come, this year, to really appreciate Spring in the gardens. It must be the ‘glass half-empty’ syndrome, but previous to this year,I was always impatient for the “real” gardening season to get going. Maybe it’s the collective impact of a large and diverse finally-established collection, but I have finally seen the light. And like many types of converts, I want to Testify!! First of all, the visual field is not as dense as it is post-spring. Individual trees, shrubs, perennials, visually STAND OUT more. They haven’t yet been enveloped by the plantings around them.

Aside from the obvious bulbs blooming, here are most of the wondrous plants in which I am reveling. They are pretty much all about FOLIAGE. From the ground up to the sky, my eyes are filled with patches of yellow, purple, orange, blue, green, and variegation- in hundreds of different shapes, sizes, and permutations.

Trees: The Japanese Maples are the Queens- every possible color, and big patches of it. Even the green ones stand out beautifully because every green is different and also because of the hanging bright red seed/flower panicles that grace every Jap.Maple this time of year // Acer Negundo Kelly’s Gold simultaneously has its very yellow foliage and its drooping butter yellow flowers. And it’s right next to the deep Purple foliage of the Purple Leaf Plum tree// Prunus Kwanzan is just beginning bloom and Prunus Hallie Jolivette is still covered with long lasting dainty pendulous light pink flowers.The white and salmon Cornus Floridas have my very favorite of spring tree flowers.// Equal in my devotion are the Aeschulus Pavia. Their salmon red leaf sheaths, equivalent to a first flowering, are just fading as their stout upright salmon red flower stalks are getting ready to pop.// The dainty variegated foliage of Zelkova , Cornus Alternifolia and Liquidambar Styrac. Silver King, and the bolder splashy variegation and emerging flat flower heads of the Cornus Controversa// deep purple foliage of nascent Cercidiphyllum Red Fox and Fagus Sylv. Red Obelisk//Bright yellow of Metasequoia Ogon.

Conifers: how handsomely they stand out with their solid shapes of all versions of yellow, blue, and green.

Shrubs and Vines: Viburnums!!: Mohawk and Sweet Spice are blooming, Onondaga has outed its emerging maroon flowers; Aurea’s golden foliage is glowing.The tiny new Sino Calycanthus Hartledge Wine has it’s first maroon bloom. // Forsythias: assorted variegateds, and aurea, fully leafed out// Daphne Carol Mackie, my favorite but
most-often -lost shrub, all leafed out and beginning bloom// Spirea Gold Flame has its salmon/rust tinged gold foliage- so enjoyable without its later clashing fuschia flowers.//Pieris jap.Mountain Fire’s bright red new foliage and drooping ivory flower panicles// the glorious yellow foliage of that form of: Philadelphus , Physocarpus , Cornus Alba , Forsythia,Sambucus Sutherland Gold, Weigela, Berberis//gold- green leaved Kerria profusely blooming its single cream colored upturned flowers, in significant shade; the dainty leaved fountains of variegated Kerria with buttercup-yellow single flowers, in shade// the dainty pink pompoms of flowering Almond//
those high-impact large flowered salmon and multi-colored Quince with their month-long bloom period // the splashed yellow/green heart shaped leaves of Syringa Acubifolia Dappled Dawn// the small leaved, deep green/clear yellow variegation of Acanthopanix and Cornus Alba Goutchaltii, and green and white variegation of the red twigged Cornus Alba Ivory Halo and Elegantissima// the emerging light yellow/green variegation of varieg. mini and regular Weigela; the deep purple foliage of assorted Barberries, Weigela Summer Wine, Physocarpus Diablo , Sambucus Black Beauty, Purple leaf Sand Cherry,the just-emerging Cotinus Grace and Royal Purple// Vines: purple tinged Lonicera and deep purple emerging foliage of Clematis Recta Frieda; various yellow/green boldly-variegated Euonymus.

Perennials: The glorious aurea foliage of that form of: Dicentra, Centaurea , Stachys, Heuchera, Hakonechloa, Tradescantia , Carex Acorus, Lysimacia numularia.// brilliant blue flowers and silver spotted leaves in shade, of Pulmonaria HighDown? and Bertram Anderson? //Epimediums- thank heavens for these dry -shade tolerant dainties with their rust-variegated hearty shaped leaves and their shooting star flowers of white,pale yellow, cerise, etc.// various variegated silver and green leaved Lamium and Brunnera Jack Frost // Bright blue flowers of tiny mat-forming Veronia repens?Georgia Blue// large upright pink and white flower panicles of stately Dicentra// assorted white and red flowered Trillium, some with beautiful leaf variegation// felty green heart shaped foliage of Saruma Henryii with buttercup yellow flowers// the emerging salmon and white foliage of Fallopia Varieg.// purple-chevroned leaves of Tovara and Geranium Samobar// the emerging long-lasting yellow cushions of Euphorbia Polychroma// the deep purple foliage of Euphorbia Chameleon , Anthriscus, Cryptotaenia Jap. Atropurpurea, Cimicifuga Hillside Black Beauty,Lysimachia Atropurp., Eupatorium Chocolate,assorted Heuchera // the purple flush of emerging Japanese Painted Fern, Peonies, Astilbe// Yellow and green striped short Bamboo //the bold cream and green variegation of Liriope var., and the useful verticals of Hosta Fluctuans Variegata, Yucca Golden Sword, and Iris Pallida varieg.

So, I guess I have a lot to testify about. It is truly an eye- popping time here, and I am thrilled with Spring. Come visit! (See my Member page.)
Best, Mindy


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